Sunday, January 27, 2008

A beautiful baby girl....

And baby makes three!
Yeah we hogged her while we were there, even Dan!
Well, you all know who I am talking about, Margeaux of course. Dan and I secretly planned to go see Jan and Margeaux and she never knew til we got there! Thanks Vic for keeping it on the down low and letting us come! Mel, Steve and Liam were gonna come too but the weather was too icky for them to drive, it was very icy and we were closer so Dan and I got a sneek peak of her. I know these pics are older but I wanted to let you Jan get lots up of her before I posted some! It was really good seeing you guys, can't wait to see you again. Mel and I are planning on a spring trip to come see you guys, we just want the weather to be a little warmer! Looking forward to going to dinner sometime with us four too. We have to do the plaza again, this time with Vic and no fountain
On another note, we had a really bad accident in Edwardsville wednesday, (Dan worked it and was the first one on the scene) one guy was killed instantly, the other life flighted and the third taken by ambulance. The guy that was killed was only 33 years young, driving to work, and someone else for an unknown reason crossed over into his lane and hit him head on (the guy that was life flighted) the third guy was also just driving along and when the first two cars went up in the air from hitting each other on the highway head on, his car went under their cars. Who knows, the guy that caused the accident could have been distracted on the phone, talking or texting, reading, looking at a map.... The point of this story was not to be a downer I swear, but to live everyday to the fullest, like it is your last, never take your family or friends for granted because we don't have control over what will happen tomorrow.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Dinner with the rents....

Me and Kylie
Dad acting like Darth't ask.
Dan and Kylie...."sleeping"

Thursday night we made a trip to the good 'ol LV and had dinner with the rents, Trishy, Brian, Jessica and her friend Aron were there too, and of course Kylie! She was so silly that night. She LOVES to play with Dan and the last pic is of them playing their sleeping game, after a few seconds she sits straight up and screams good morning and then goes back to sleep, pretend snoring and's hilarious!! It's so hard to believe she is going to be 3 this June, she is growing up soooo fast, in size and age. The poor girl is in 6T right she will play basketball or something!
We started dinner at 6:30 with the most wonderful beef tips and noodles made by my momma that I have EVER had and also my fave seafood pasta salad that Jess and Kylie made specially for me. Well, besides Jess getting up for about an hour and getting Kylie ready for bed, we did not leave that table til 11:30!!! I have never laughed so hard in my entire life. We reminisced on stories of us growing up til now. Our stomach muscles hurt so much by the end of the night, it was so much fun though. Thanks guys for a great night, looking forward to another thurs dinner night!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Oh how I wish we were camping.....

This gross yucky wet grass from the snow melting and cold weather makes me want to be camping again! It was soooo much fun and oh so pretty. Oh well. I had more pics to put on here but blogger is being a piece of poo so you just get the one! By the way momma and dad jackson, the whole camping trip to the hannibalish area is gonna be an annual thing, we love it out there. We need to get my parents to go too, we would all have a blast.
So how is everyone after the holiday high? Time to jump back into normal life. My classes started again, and I am getting more hours at work, which is always good. Nothing really too exciting going on around here, I just got over the flu. That actually is pretty exciting, it was HORRIBLE, I lost ten pounds (not so horrible) but believe me, I would have rather just worked it off, not felt like I did for 8 days. I didn't think it was ever going to go away. My temp kept soaring to 103, not very fun. Dan chose to go to midnights this shift bid so he is having lots more fun than he did on days. And not getting up at 4 in the morning is GREAT for both of us. Now he will be able to out last all of us at our gatherings, he won't be the first one asleep anymore!!
So as soon as we get some more interesting pics I shall put them on here. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We were lucky enough to have three christmas' this year....

This was an extension to our Christmas with Mom and Dad Jackson
Ken,(dan's middle bro),Keri(his gfriend), Tim(dan's oldest bro), Me &Dan
Me and Momma Jackson
Dan and his Dad
Suishi and is kinder eggs!
Mel and Steve with their blanket I made them
Our first christmas was with Mel, Steve and Liam. We went to their house, opened presents, ate fish and chips (thanks mom, very yummy) and watched two christmas movies. As you can see, Suishi did his cheesy face for me with some of his christmas presents from us!!
Our second christmas was with my family. You got to see all those pics in my last post, go babooshka's!!
Our last christmas was with Dan's family. Mom, Dad and Tim came from St. Louis and we had christmas at Ken and Keri's house in Spring Hill Kansas. We ate a great dinner, opened gifts and hung out. The pic of Dan and Dad was two days before our chirstmas but they were just so handsome in it I couldn't leave it out!! The first pic is an extension of our christmas with Mom and Dad Jackson, we came to see them for the new year and we are leaving thurs :( .
We spent a very quick new year with Mel and Steve, I had to work til 10pm and we didn't get over to their house til 1115 or so, but it was a great hour that we had, pics to come soon! Happy New Year everyone!