Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our boys....

I know, I just put these up on facebook too but whatever. I just love them and can't post them enough. I still can't get over how gray our Louie is. He is so handsome, and George, well he is just George. :)
This weather is AWESOME! We are going to the pumpkin patch this weekend and the high is 63!! I can't believe it. I am SOOO excited! Hope everyone has a great weekend, we will!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our favorite time of the year....

Potting the mums, with my big ol 37 week belly!
Hee Hee, George is so lazy, he is resting his chin on the window ledge.
We LOVE this time of year!! Time to change our house from summer to fall! We need to do more for summer, but since it's come and gone, we won't worry about that this year! Our lonely little pot of flowers did just fine. :) So, now that fall is here, that means our little one will be here soooo soon! We can't wait!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

36 weeks!!

36 weeks and GINORMOUS!! George is being a seal and trying to balance the ball I guess, and I am HUGE! She is the size of a basketball now, and let me tell you I feel every inch of it. I am looking forward to her being her because I am so excited to meet her, but I am so looking forward to having MY body back! lol :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I am alive!!!!

35 weeks!
Daddy and his diaper duty belt!
Yeah, still here, still alive. Just been slacking on here!! I promise I will be better, darn facebook is the culprit, I put stuff on there and then forget here. :( My little sissy has a blog up so I am going to try to be better to encourage her to keep hers up!
From the last post it looks like our little monsters room only had a changing table...there is lots I will post nursery pics this week. I am 36 weeks today and I can't believe we only have 4 more weeks, unless of course she follows my footsteps and decides to be 2 weeks late!! Either way, the time is so close and we are so excited, we can't WAIT for our baby girl to get here! Hope everyone is having a great week!