Sunday, August 30, 2009

I am alive.....barely...

Wow, it's been over a month since I have posted on here!!! Facebook is partly to blame, and so is my new schedule! My wonderful peeps at Washburn decided to double our course load from here on out until we graduate! I think they could have spread our classes out a little more even with the first year but hey, who am I...just a student! So, the top picture is what you can get for $543 at I could have bought $543 worth of clothes, I need it! That top picture is also what I will be spending most of my time with this fall. It's crazy how our course load has doubled and I might add, with the hardest classes! whooo hooo. At least there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I am done August 6th, 2010....not that I am counting or anything!
Oh and I had to put a pic up of our little friend, we have a ton of them at night on our patio and they are sooo tiny, just a little bit bigger than your thumbnail! Soooo cute. Hope everyone is well and I will try to be better about posting next time!

Friday, August 28, 2009

I am not dead!!!

LOL, still here, just super busy, will be doing another post tomorrow or sunday, we are still alive! :)