Sunday, November 15, 2009

Stuff this week....

Our old handsome man
He really looks pitiful in this
Abbie's new fave hangout
Just a few silly shots of the fur kids, can you tell I love them to death? I don't know about you but I think George and Louie look really guilty in the last one, but then again George's eyes are always kinda
This week is gonna be BUSY. Dan is off in Jeff City testing for his Missouri license (police officer license that is) and then we are both of to St. Louis for him to test for a department in Ellisville MO on tues. Then it's back to the grind wed starting at 0430 for me and continues all week. So, same ol same work school school school work
Looking forward to Turkey Day! We will be back in the Lou for that next tues/wed! Looking forward to seeing you tues and next week mom and dad Jackson! Hope everyone has a great week!