Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I heart David Cook

Okie dokie David was a hit again, we loved him. We also loved Siesha (sp?) she has really improved and is our fave girl but we don't want to see her win. Sorry Momma Holt but we just don't like Jason anymore, no matter what he sings. We didn't like Brooke's performance either, or David A. I LOVED NEIL DIAMOND, he is so great, Dan on the other hand does not, poo on Dan....lol...and Mel cuz she calls him Neil Gay....yeah that's right...and she has even taught the Sush to call him that(and Dan has now picked that up)!!! The horror! So, let's hear it, who loved who and who loves them some Neil Diamond....I know Momma Holt does!!

*results of our quads names will be given soon, waiting for a few more guesses!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Our little babies.....

                                         First day they hatched!!
We have quadruplets!! Sadly one egg did not hatch, but the other four did! And, they were born very very late on Stevie-poo's bday!!! So we are the proud foster parents (lol) of Peetie, Frankie, Bert and Garth. Yes, I guess they are all boys! We each named two. We will be adding pics as they grow up, they are getting so big already, the second pic is just from day three! They are a red headed finch, can't remember the name off the top of my head (no not red headed finch) and they will leave the nest in 12-14 days, craziness! Any guesses as to who Dan named and who I named?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Our little boy seems to have grown up.....

      His new love....sleeping in his cookie monster bed. 
     His old love, snuggling with us alllll night and alllll day.
So, our little George has grown up. He used to sleep with us in bed allll the time. I bought him a bed with Mel forever ago, when he was a little puppy and he never used it, never. So we just kept it incase he were to use it and to keep their toys in so they were not all over the house. Well, apparently George has a new found love for it. I put it under our night stand when we moved in, out of the way and he loves it there. He will not sleep in bed with us anymore, only in his bed. It is sad cuz I miss him, I don't get to sleep with Dan except for Wed/Thurs cuz he works midnights so George was my snuggle bug....sigh....not anymore. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I heart David Cook!

So, uhhhhh Seisha did really really good tonight, very very surprised! We thought Jason was ok, Brooke sadly enough, this was not her night. We didn't like David A but we just don't anymore. David Cook was soooooooo good as always! Carly was ok, we just love David Cook....so who was your favorite tonight?

Monday, April 21, 2008

All about the boys....

Earmuffs with Unlce Danno has already started!
Daddy's little wingman!
Uncle Danno getting some time in with Shawn
Last wednesday we went to see the Breiners! I made sour cream and chicken enchiladas and spanish rice for dinner so they could have a good dinner and just relax cuz they had only been home just under 2 weeks with Shawn. They were so tired, and we are so glad they let us come hang out for a few hours! The last shot is of their dogs, Cooter and Winston, aren't they hilarious! They really wanted under that baby gate, I think it is freakin hilarious that above their heads it reads ...NEVER LEAVE CHILD UNATTENDED!!!!
Thanks Dave and Megan for a great night, it was so good to see you guys again, we wish we lived so much closer! Megan, sorry I hogged Shawn all night, and Dan too, but I can't promise it won't happen again! Hopefully you guys are getting more rest and things are ok with Dave back to work, hang in there, he will sleep through the night soon. We love you guys!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Who says keeping your christmas tree til April is bad.....

Soooooo uh yeah, when it came about the time to trash our beloved live christmas tree we kinda just moved it to the porch and said "we will take care of that later this week".....or not. See, since the weather has been so crappy we really didn't make it out to the porch that much and kinda forgot about it, not kinda...we forgot all the way. Well Dan went on the porch the other day and found a home in our tree and a little soon to be family!! See, all that forgetfulness paid off and we will have little birdies soon! I can't wait to see them when they hatch, they of course will make an appearance.
The other pic is of our little boy George of course. I swear we never thought we would find a dog who loves to sleep as much as our Louie but uhhhhh we were pleasantly surprised. George LOVES to sleep, which I find odd for such a small young dog (he just only turned one!) but hey, no complaints here! He looks so cute and he is even peeking with one of his huge eyeballs! Tah tah for now.....

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Happy Birthday My Trishy-Poo!!

Happy Birthday Trishy-poo! Tomorrow is her actual bday but I have to get up at 5 a.m. and I don't get home til 11:00 p.m. due to clinicals and work so I had to do this tonight! Happy Bday Trishy!! It's so great that my little sister, who I had no choice to be related to, turned out to be my best friend! Trishy, we have laughed, cried, been scared, anxious, elated....you name it...we have been through it all together. I love you so much and I am so glad you are my sister and best friend. I love you so much! Happy Birthday you old fart! ;)

I hate America!

Ok so uhhhh what the heck is going on?!?!? How could they get rid of Michael?  Seriously! I am at a loss for words.....

Poll time ladies....

Photo A
Photo B
These are both pics of the arch, but at different angels. The first one is from under the arch, I looked like a retard taking it, I had half my body arched backwards like I was doing aerobics under the arch, very nice very nice. The second one wasn't so odd to take, as you can see it is at an angle from the outside of the arch. Anyways, I was wondering which one you ladies like the best, just a little curiosity poll for ya!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I heart David Cook still!

Welllllll we do not like Jason, we want him to go, it's not that he did horrible tonight we just don't prefer him, there are others we love more. We love Brooke, she did great tonight! Michael Johns was fantastic! We love David Cook but we didn't like how he started out tonight. But we thought he ended better. Let's seeeee oh David Archuleta, my old heart throb, he was ok tonight, I don't think we would be too sad if he went home anytime soon. So our top three are David Cook, Michael Johns and Brooke. Welllll....what did you think?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Shawn Edward Breiner 04.04.08

                                       So sweet and adorable! 
I think he was sick of me taking pics, or maybe having one of those poops I talked about in Megan's baby shower post!
               And baby makes three.........The Breiner Family
                 Proud daddy teaching bubs to swaddle!
           We just love him already and he's not even ours!
   Dave and Megan are the proud parents of a new baby boy! Shawn was born on Friday 04.04.08 at 4:29 p.m. and weighed in at 7lbs 12oz, and was 20 inches long. He also came early, her due date was the 19th of April! (lisa p please don't read that part! :)) We got to see him early saturday morning after Dan and I got off work. You can just see the happiness in mommy and daddy in these photos but it was so much more apparent in person. Congratulations Dave and Megan, we are soooo happy for you and your little healthy boy! We can't wait to come visit you again at home! We love you guys! xoxo

Friday, April 4, 2008

Smorgasbord of us in St. Louis......

Us just outside the arch......
Us again just outside the arch....
In front of the Mississippi River.....
Little bitty corner of the arch just behind us....the sun was oh so bright!

Ok so I probably spelled smorgasbord wrong but oh well. Our trip to St. Louis was SO much fun, as always. The first day we tried to go to a winery but it was closed, something on the to do list for next time. So we went home and had a wonderful dinner made by momma jackson and picked up some wine of our own! The next day me, Dan and momma jackson headed to the arch, which I have some AWESOME pics of the arch to post but that will be in a day or two, too many pics to post them all at once! After we went up in the arch momma jackson took a ton of pics of Dan and I, the weather was so nice it was hard not to! The last pic is of me and momma jackson sitting on the steps leading up to the arch, it was such a nice day, just a little windy! After the arch we met up with papa jackson at Longhorn........wow....we had never eaten there and we LOVE their steaks!! Dinner was great, thanks again momma and papa jackson! We missed you papa jackson at the arch but glad we all got to go out and eat! More pics to follow....

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I heart.....

I am not sure who I heart this time. I did like David Archulettas performance however he is no longer my fave. Here at the Jackson household we still love Brooke even though we weren't blown away by her performance. We loved David, Michael, Seisha, and of course David Cook. So I guess you could say I heart David Cook. Michael was great tonight and we hope to see him make it to the top but if we had to pick a person tonight it would be David Cook. We hated Ramiela or however you spell her name, we just don't like her. We want to see David C. go all the way!! So, fellow American Idolers....what is your opinion?