Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cookie Exchange and Annual Holt's Christmas party!!

Hee Hee, we are so sillly, what a fun night that was.
The Mommas and the Daughters
Gotta love the sweaters
Yaaaaay! I still have followers! I am soooooo excited! :) I promise to do better on here....see two new posts in two days...whooo hooo!
So, our Christmas funness has started and isn't even close to ending! :) We had the cookie exchange party, The Holt's annual Christmas party that included what I hope will be a new tradition....UGLY SWEATERS!!!! :) This afternoon will be Christmas with my parents then next tuesday Christmas with Dan's parents....waaahooooo! :) More pictures to come soon, thanks for all my fellow followers. I like the personalness of the blog too. Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!

The Talbot fam Christmas
Hee hee, he looks like a bunny
How can you not love that face?!?!
So, I am still alive!!! I just find more people looking and commenting on photos from my facebook than on here, so please, if you are still out there, let me know you are here and comment!
Today, against my better judgement I let Louie run around in the snow. I never ever let him run around because of his leg and I thought, what kind of longer not being able to all the fun stuff, or having fun the time he has left with us. So yeah, he ran around like a crazy man! lol
We have done one Christmas already, Christmas with my nana and gdad, my dad had to work so we are doing my family christmas on sunday, tomorrow. Then Dan's parents will be here on tuesday to do another Christmas!!! The sucky thing about having nurses and cops in your family is yes, not being able to celebrate with everyone on the exact Holiday, but having two or three holidays after or before it is AWESOME! Hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Stuff this week....

Our old handsome man
He really looks pitiful in this
Abbie's new fave hangout
Just a few silly shots of the fur kids, can you tell I love them to death? I don't know about you but I think George and Louie look really guilty in the last one, but then again George's eyes are always kinda
This week is gonna be BUSY. Dan is off in Jeff City testing for his Missouri license (police officer license that is) and then we are both of to St. Louis for him to test for a department in Ellisville MO on tues. Then it's back to the grind wed starting at 0430 for me and continues all week. So, same ol same work school school school work
Looking forward to Turkey Day! We will be back in the Lou for that next tues/wed! Looking forward to seeing you tues and next week mom and dad Jackson! Hope everyone has a great week!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Lobster bisque anyone? :)
Or how about some angry chicken soup? lol
Happy Halloween everyone! Don't even ask how I got those two boys to sit still and look at me all dressed up but I did and I even did it by myself, the hubby was at work! lol Aaahhh gotta love em. Abbie on the other hand wasn't as thrilled!
The last pic is of these tasty treats we made for halloween. The body is brownie, rolled up and then dipped in chocolate...YUM. My spiders don't look nearly as cute as the website that had them but oh well, they sure were tasty! They were waaaaaay too much work though, sticking to cookies or cupcakes next year! lol Have a safe and fun Halloween everyone! :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy One Year Anniversary Boo!

Wow, our first wedding anniversary is here already. The saying goes "The first year will be your toughest" and ours was far from tough. It's hard to have a tough first year when the man you marry is your best friend, always puts you first, makes you the happiest you have been in your entire life, listens to you, makes you laugh non-stop, cares about you more than anything in the world and who compliments you so well. I am the luckiest woman alive to have found him and have him love me as much as I love him.
Today isn't our exact one year, the 18th will be, but we will be in Wisconsin for our one year for a week and I wanted to post this before we left.
I love you so much Daniel, thanks for being the wonderful, caring, funny, loving man you are. I would be forever lost without you. I can't wait to share parenthood, memories and many many more anniversaries next to your side. My heart beats only for you.
The Wifeies

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Buckman's Wedding 10.10.09

Mr. and Mrs. Buckman
Linds and Me
Saturday, my wonderful friend Lindsey married her true love, Luke. Their wedding was beautiful and reception was a ton of fun. Oh and the reception might have had the best food ever, Linds, your dad's pork was AMAZING!! They are off in Mexico right now enjoying a week to themselves for their honeymoon. Hope you guys had fun hun! The last pic is their wedding present. I took different pictures of letters from different things that had a meaning to them. The first letter, B was from the Best Buy they met at for their first date in the parking lot, the U is from my families store, the C is off of their chevy truck- their first vehicle purchase together, the K was just cool, the M is from a welcome sign they have on their porch of their first home they just bought together, the A is from the license plate from their first vehicle together and the N is from the street sign on their first street the live on in their first house!! :) So, there you have it! :) Hope everyone is having a good week. We are off for our first anniversary vaca tomorrow!!

Carolyn's Country Cousins Pumpkin Patch '09

The Punkin Crew

My loverly momma, auntie-poo and me
Jess and Kylie
We went to our favorite pumpkin patch again this year---Carolyn's Country Cousins Pumpkin Patch. It is an awesome place in Liberty Missouri and if you have the chance you should go. These pics don't do any justice for all the activities they have for the fam. Thanks to all who went, it was so much fun. Although next year we have to plan better and not have so much estrogen going with just one man...LOL. Poor Dan, all the other boys were working or out of town, next year honey! :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy 62nd Birthday Momma Jackson!

Look at all those candles! hee hee
Trying to blow them out...
Realizing they are trick candles...
The aftermath of 62 trick candles and not realizing it until it's too late...LOL
Today is Momma Jackson's 62nd Birthday! We celebrated yesterday at Mark Twain Lake in all the rain. Dan and I drove into town, got a cake and candles and surprised her, and everyone else with our candles... Yeah, make sure you read all the fine print on candle packaging! We didn't realize they were trick candles. So, we bring in the cake, Mom starts to blow and they keep re-lighting. Let the panicking begin! LOL. Her cake was a chocolate cake with twix pieces all sprinkled on the top with caramel and chocolate drizzled all over. Yeah, not after the candles, we couldn't get them out in time and you can see the aftermath, lotta wax and burnt twix! LOL After further inspecting the candle packaging, it said in SUPER TINY print, real fun candles relight. Thanks guys!! We probably would not have put all 62 candles on there if we would have realized that! Oh, and by the way, we just scraped all the nasties off and ate the cake anyway! Happy Birthday Momma Jackson! We love you! xoxo

Mark Twain Lake Camping Trip 09

A little bit of fishing...
The camping crew
A little bit of bike riding...
A lot of gorgeous scenery...
A little bit of Hillbilly golf...
A lot of relaxing...
Some sling shot fun...
A lot of good eats..
and a lot of RAIN! We just got back from our Mark Twain Lake Camping trip! Unfortunately it wasn't the best weather, too much rain. But still a lot of fun. This year we went with mom and dad Jackson and Marv and Joyce (mom and dad jackson's friends) and George! It was a lot of fun having so many of us. Lots of campers leads to way too much food and way too many drinks! We had to leave a half day early due to the rain. It would just not stop on Thursday and tent camping is just no fun with all of that rain. So, we didn't get to do as much outdoor stuff as we would have liked but I will take sitting in the rain in beautiful scenery over working and school any day! Hopefully when we go next year we will luck out better with the weather. Thanks everyone for such a great trip!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Alldredge Orchard

The Orchard Pickers

The horses were oh so friendly

Today we went to an Orchard in Platte that I just found online not too long ago and it's only 4 miles from our house! We went to Vaughn's last year and I wanted a little something more, and I found this place. And we got more! I LOVE this orchard. So many photo ops it is sooo pretty. Gotta love the tripod. Oh and yeah our imaginations helped too. You can't tell this family has those can you? I hope the owners didn't mind us grabbing our instruments for the jamming session, we just grabbed what was laying around the barn!! Oh and we might have gotten carried away with the weeds hanging out of our mouths! I never thought I would hear my mom say "Kylie, put your weed in your mouth!!" lol It was so much fun taking all the family pics, next year we need Jessica (she had to work :( ) and Momma and Papa Jackson! They also had the tastiest cookies and apple cake...YUM! We will be back soon!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Berry Patch


Today we went to the Berry Patch in Cleveland Missouri. This place was so cute and so fun! They grow and sell TONS of types of berries. Unfortunately I didn't stumble upon this place until the other day and we missed every season of berries except black berries! So, today we picked black berries and I am going to make two scrumptious recipes with them! I am sure you will see pics of those later! To find out more about this cute little place go to You will love it!
Check out Dan's face, he totally didn't know I was snapping a few and was so excited when he found a ripe berry, we were like little kids! It still cracks me up to see pics of me and Dan together, he is not tall to me anymore, I am use to it. When we first started dating he was soooo tall, but since I am use to it I don't notice it until I see pictures of us, this one cracks me up!