Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Mardi Gras!

The crew!
Ninja mardi partiers
Mmmm Fried Shrimp Po' boy samiches and cheesey creole grits

Our cooking night for Feb was Mardi Gras themed! We even made a king cake, if you look closely you can see it on the table in the group shot! This last pic, I got on my knees to be at the same level as Liam and then he got on the floor on his elbows because he saw me get lower to the was so stinkin cute! We all of course had to be festive and wear masks, even Lorelai!! She had it on her face but totally wasn't looking, maybe next year! Thanks guys for another fun cooking night, looking forward to our Irish Feast next month!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Never ever start your dryer without checking....

I went to fluff up our bowling shirts before we headed out and it's a good thing I checked the dryer before I just threw them in there and started it!! I guess I didn't close the dryer door the last time I was using it and Abbie found herself a new little home!! Now we have to check alll the time, she runs in there everytime she hears you go in the laundry room!!
Tomorrow we are having our cooking night with the Woods, Mardi Gras theme it is!! We can't wait! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Surprises from my hubsies....

On Valentines Day morning we exchanged gifts and had breakfast together, then I had to get ready for work and he went to bed since he worked all night. Well while I was at work he called and told me I had another surprise when I got home from work for Vday. I was so excited and couldn't wait to get home! I get home to a made from scratch dessert and a bottle of wine!!! Dan has never baked anything in his life and the dessert came out PERFECT! He made the chocolate dessert that is cake on the bottom and top and melted chocolate in the middle!! He also fessed up and told me he called about the flour because the first time he made it he used the powdered sugar on accident and it wouldn't bake right! lol ahhh he is so silly! I love you bubs, thanks for making me the best surprise EVER! xoxo

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Momma!! Happpy Vday Everyone!

Ok, so I am just a liiiiittle behind on my blog! lol Feb 8th was my momma's bday, we celebrated with steak and kidney pie (YUM) and instead of a cake I made a yummy new low calorie dessert she wanted to try. Notice my hands are criss crossed with the desserts, yeah totally came out with them saying 35!! lol Happy Birthday Mom, I love you so much!
The day before that I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon with Sonia!! Our good ol days go back to being cheerleaders for West Middle School together...ahh the days! Sonia drove alll the way from Topeka just to meet up with me at the Legends for some shopping and lunch. I had a blast, can't wait to see you again, sorry I had to leave to go to work!! (don't mind the whisping hair, it was sooo windy!)
Happy Vday everyone!! We are half celebrating today, with a cute breakfast and presents, then I have to we are celebrating in full tomorrow. I did make brownie heart cupcakes that I took to a few people for Vday this week, they were a Martha Stewart recipe I tried from scratch, icing and cupcake! Lots of work but very yummy and cute! Hope everyone has a great Vday and weekend!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Plenty of laughs and smiles going around here....

Our Chewybear is finally looking at the camera instead of hiding.
Our silly explorer girl
Mmmmm new recipe we tried, very tasty

Our Abbie is keeping us laughing day by day. I opened the pantry to get bread out to make my sandwich and when I went to put the bread back pic #2 is what I saw. She squished herself between the shelf and wire rack we have for more space in the pantry. I really don't know how she even fit. She is at the age where she gets into EVERYTHING!!  So, needless to say she is quite silly these days. All of our fur kids LOVE sunning in front of our sliding glass door, I was able to get some cute ones of her and Louie the other day. Louie is doing better than we expected on his pain meds. It almost makes me forget anything is wrong with him.  He is just getting so gray.... 

Our new recipe we tried was from and it is called creamy chicken, bacon and tomato pasta. I even used turkey bacon instead of the real stuff and it was sooooo good. Dan HATES tomatoes and he LOVED it, and no I didn't leave the tomatoes out, they were almost the best part!!